-5.2 C
New York

Understanding the Basics of PET CT as a Diagnostic Tool


PET-CT scan is a type of revolutionary hybrid technique. This hybrid technique uses the advantages of both the PET and CT scan. The PET-CT scan reveals both molecular and biochemical functions of the body. PET-CT scan is mainly used for the diagnosis of cancer.

It can help diagnose various types of cancer. A low budget PET-CT Scan can also be used for other purposes including-

  • Evaluating the correct place for conducting a biopsy.
  • Evaluation of working of cancer treatment.
  • Checking for any new cancer growth once cancer treatment has ended.
  • Planning radiation therapy treatment.
  • Pinpointing the location of cancer.

How Do I Prepare for the PET-CT Scan?

  • Food- You will be asked to not eat anything at least 4 5 hours before your PET CT scan
  • Water- You can drink clear fluids before the scan like water, juice without pulp, etc.
  • Jewellery- You need to take off any kind of jewellery or piercing that contains metal. These can be earrings, necklaces, bangles, eyeglasses, tattoos with metallic ink, etc.
  • Clothing- You should wear loose and comfortable clothes during the scan. You might be given a hospital gown to wear.
  • Disease- If you have any disease, or if you are on certain medications, you should inform your care center beforehand.
  • Claustrophobia- If you have a fear of closed and compact spaces, you should inform your care center before the scan.

Are There Any Side Effects of PET CT Scan?

The scan is generally performed by following all the needed and recommended safety protocols. These safety protocols ensure the patient’s safety. The way the scan is conducted determines the quality of scan reports you will get. The technology plays an important role in it. The best PET CT scan center uses the latest and most advanced technology. Some of the side effects due to the scan can be

  • Due to radiations- The radiations can be the reason for certain diseases like cancer. But the chances of developing it from a single scan stand negligible
  • If you are pregnant, your baby might get harmed due to rge radiation, therefore it is necessary to inform your doctor about pregnancy or suspected pregnancy.
  • The contrast used in the scan can cause allergic reactions in some people. Although the mild allergic responses can be managed quickly. But, advanced allergic symptoms like breathlessness, known as anaphylactic shock cannot be managed without prompt medical attention.

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